Lapine’s Paris Adventure

I have always loved the intricate art of folding origami, especially rabbits. The folding process forces me to be still, focus intensely and be completely in the moment. I find it both soothing and therapeutic.

During my stay in Paris I was struck once again by the beauty, complexity and secrets of Paris, much as is reflective of our own lives. I would like to share with you my vision, albeit only rough sketches at the moment,  of what I’m hoping to become two new series of artworks, flowing out of these ideas:

– Postcards from Paris
Once I arrived in Paris, I folded a new origami rabbit, and aptly called her “Lapine” (French for female Rabbit). I then placed her in various Parisian settings, forcing myself to observe things from a different point of view, investigating my surroundings from a new perspective. Seeing the world through these glasses (a bit like Alice through the looking glass), I have discovered so much more than I could ever anticipate, evoking a deeper connection and process of honest interrogation of my surroundings, society, and myself.


– Paris Reflections
I continuously draw energy and inspiration from my surroundings, so with all the rain in Paris over the past few months, the water puddle reflections of Parisian landmarks, trees and people intrigued me to such an extent that I could not stop trying to see what I could discover in these ever changing puddle reflections. What am I seeing? Am I seeing the truth, or a distorted version thereof? Does it challenge you to see things from a different angle or perspective?

To most people it is invisible, as they just walk rushingly through the water puddles, creating a chaotic version of the reflection of just a moment ago. Completely unaware. My work is mostly self reflecting and self exploratory, but I also enjoyed seeing how external factors can skew or destroy the image of the world we see. Life is an ever changing mirror, and we are all connected in some way, whether we are aware of the effect we create or not.

Hope you enjoyed me sharing my vision with you, and I cannot wait to start sharing the progression of these artworks with you on social media! You can also buy my Lapine’s Paris Adventure Birthday Calendar here.

1 thoughts on “Lapine’s Paris Adventure

  1. Pingback: A Bunny For Every Mood! |

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